South Sudan Project

Dawn Meats has invested heavily in on-farm sustainability and community projects in Ireland, and our support for the Agriculture Demonstration and Learning Centre in Nyamlell, Bahr al Ghazal State, South Sudan, is aligned with our public commitments on environment, food, farming and society. Our on-going investment and support is encouraging community farmers to build skills in climate smart agricultural techniques in South Sudan, enabling them to progress out of extreme poverty.
South Sudan is ranked 191 out of 191 on the Human Development Index, making it the poorest country in the world. This project encourages the dissemination of more sustainable practices for farmers in South Sudan, and greater diversification of crops, to bolster income streams, improve nutrition in the local community and help it become more resilient to climate shocks.
75 farmers are learning the basic agronomic practices of vegetable production from Concern’s technical staff attached to support agriculture activities at the centre. All the farmers have received seed kits and materials to help them build their livelihoods and a more sustainable future by the production of groundnuts and vegetables.
Concern Worldwide are an international humanitarian organisation that strives for a world free from poverty, fear and oppression. They deliver life-saving and life-changing interventions to the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. From rapid emergency response to innovative development programming, Concern Worldwide go to the hardest to reach places to make sure that no-one is left behind.