Plan Four Zero outlines how we will continue to reduce emissions across our value chains, protect nature, restore biodiversity, inspire sustainable farming and support communities as we work towards a more sustainable future on the journey to Net Zero.
Guided by Three Values, we follow science when setting targets and making decisions, and through our Four Ambitions, we will scale up the right solutions to deliver long term sustainability, helping others along the way. We are driven by data and innovation, both of which we use to further our sustainability performance.
*based on current market estimates.
Investing an initial €100m* in Plan Four Zero to accelerate action and scale up solutions.
Our Starting point
Measuring our impact was the first step in managing our emissions and finding the right solutions.
Using 2016 as the base year, we found that Scope 1 and 2 operational emissions were approximately 1% of the total and Scope 3 supply chain emissions were represented by the remaining 99%.
Operational emissions are caused by burning fossil fuels to heat water, F-gases from refrigeration systems, our company vehicles and the procurement of electricity. Sourcing live cattle and lambs from the UK and Ireland, as well as other meat products from around the world, accounted for the largest portion of our emissions, at 70% of the total.
Our priority is to address operational and on-farm emissions.

Our Climate Targets
In 2019 our climate targets were approved by the Science-Based Target Initiative. By 2030 we have committed to reduce:
- Scope 1 and 2 absolute emissions by 59%, in line with a 1.5°C pathway
- Scope 3 emissions intensity of Purchased Goods and Services by 28%, per tonne of finished product
We are increasing this ambition to reach Net Zero emissions across our sites by 2040, and to align our supply chain target with 1.5 degrees, placing us on a net zero trajectory.
Supply chain emissions are outside of our direct control, and successfully reducing them to Net Zero will require collaboration across sectors and industries; locally, nationally and globally, with everyone playing their part.
To ensure we align with best practice, we will review our near and longer-term science-based, net zero targets by 2024, and at least every five years thereafter.

We will protect and restore nature and biodiversity and work towards the development of a circular economy, powered by renewable energy.

We will inspire sustainable farming to foster better animal health and welfare, enhance meat quality and restore biodiversity, soil health and water quality.

We will continue to provide high quality, natural, delicious food, rich in protein, essential vitamins and minerals, to support human health and wellbeing.

We will nurture inclusive relationships with our people and communities, help them to live more sustainably, and support the just transition to a net zero future.
Our Operations
We are progressively decreasing emissions across our sites and aim to reduce them as close as possible to zero by 2035.
We will continue to procure 100% renewable electricity to power our sites, and progress towards on-site renewable energy generation.
We have progressively reduced fugitive emissions over the last 5 years and plan to replace all f-gas systems with Net Zero refrigeration systems by 2030.
To heat water on our sites we are upgrading equipment to burn lower carbon fuels and switching to renewable sources of thermal energy generation such as electricity and renewable sources of heat recovery such as heat pumps.
We plan to switch 100% of the company fleet to electric vehicles by 2030.
We are supporting biodiversity at our sites and in our communities, installing beehives, planting trees and permitting areas to go wild.

Our Supply Chain
Our company-wide emissions intensity for sourcing livestock is decreasing.
In Ireland, our emissions are falling, driven by a measurable reduction in the average carbon footprint of farms where we source our livestock. Our Bord Bia carbon footprint farmers who belong to the Sustainable Beef and Lamb Assurance Scheme are monitored and accounted for every 18 months. We are working with Bord Bia to improve the accuracy of our emissions accounting and have been able to calculate the carbon footprint of our supply base below the national average.
In the UK, more up to date and frequent data on emissions is required to allow us to show progress. At present, farm emissions data from 2011 is relied upon and therefore our emissions rise and fall with our market share. In 2022, we invested £1m to begin carbon footprinting 500 suppliers and establish a new baseline from which to measure progress.
We are engaging with suppliers of New Zealand lamb to the UK market to improve farm emissions data and understand their own plans for reaching Net Zero.
We will continue to enhance production efficiencies, improve carcase utilisation and derive greater value from our livestock products, which will further reduce our emissions intensity.

Accelerating Progress
Having established a new baseline, we will continue to engage with our farmer suppliers to accelerate action and reduce emissions. We will increasingly use primary data to calculate more up to date and accurate carbon footprints for our beef and lamb products.
Sharing these product carbon footprints with our customers is an important step in linking supply chain data and developing a consistent approach to measurement, which will allow us to demonstrate progress against our shared climate targets.
The Carbon Trust will independently verify the methodology, ensuring credibility and transparency, allowing us to report to a recognised standard.
We aim to take big steps and accelerate action to ensure our footprints are smaller as we transition to a net zero future.