Good animal health and welfare is vital to our business and our reputation, and greatly influences meat quality. At the heart of our understanding of Animal Welfare are the 5 Freedoms, as defined by the Farm Animal Welfare Committee. All our processing sites are Red Tractor or Bord Bia approved, and audited annually, offering external assurance that we meet required animal welfare standards. Two fulltime vets oversee all animal welfare activities and our sites each have fully trained animal welfare teams.
We are a founding member of the Food Industry Initiative on Antimicrobials, a group of retailers, manufacturers, processors and food service companies working to promote and support responsible antimicrobial use and action on antimicrobial resistance.
Inspire sustainable farming to foster better animal health and welfare, enhance meat quality and regenerate biodiversity, soil health and water quality.

It is estimated that 20% of animal production worldwide is lost as a result of disease. Vaccination offers a significant opportunities to improve herd health and increase farm productivity and sustainability. Vaccinations prevent and control infectious diseases, reduce the need for treatment, including antibiotics, and ensure optimum health and welfare. In conjunction with a key UK retail customer, we completed an assessment of the uptake of core vaccination within suckler herds. Results showed that uptake amongst the test group was low, and highlighted the requirement to trial a Tier 1 core vaccination protocol to demonstrate the benefits of core vaccination on farm, using key performance indicators (KPIs). On foot of these findings, we launched the MSD Vaccine Project in early 2021, in collaboration with MSD Animal Health. The project will run for 2 years and is taking place on three suckler beef farms in North Yorkshire.

The project aims to assess the impact of the Tier 1 core vaccination protocol on:
- Disease incidence and subsequent animal welfare
- Antimicrobial use
- Farm performance and mortality
- Farm carbon footprint

Participating farms received vaccination administration and storage training. A bespoke vaccination calendar was established for each farm, in conjunction with their vets, to introduce vaccines at appropriate times, according to their herd production cycle. All farms completed a Suckler Herd Performance Checklist to establish baseline performance in their herds and establish potential areas for improvement. This will be repeated at the end of each production year and an associated score allocated.
Core vaccination in beef suckler herds comprises Rotavec Corona, Bovine Viral Diarrhoea, IBR and Leptospirosis in the adult breeding herd, as well as Bovine Respiratory Disease and enteric disease as neonates, with IBR at a later date for the calves.
Following implementation of this gold standard Tier 1 core vaccination protocol, KPIs were monitored for the adult breeding herd and calf performance during the first 6 months of life and through to finishing.

The project is in year two and following the second Suckler Herd Performance Checklist, substantial gains in terms of overall herd scores are evident. All farms have been provided with a year 1 report which also contains recommendations for potential further improvements. Calves born in 2022 are bred out of fully vaccinated cows. In 2022 the first cattle will be processed, and we will be able to establish the impact of the Tier 1 core vaccination protocol on their KPI’s. Project findings will be shared across the supply chain to encourage vaccination uptake and best practice.
Liver Fluke Project
Liver fluke is a type of parasite which can infect livestock and cause health problems, resulting in reduced growth rates and even death. We closely monitor liver fluke levels in the livestock we source, and discovered liver fluke is a consistent problem for farmers all year round. It is difficult to predict the likely occurrence in a herd, as risk factors vary year to year, farm to farm and field to field. In a study by ADAS, liver fluke infection was found to increase GHG emissions by 10% compared with healthy cattle. Control of liver fluke was also identified as one of the key opportunities for GHG abatement in UK cattle.
Working with a UK retail customer, this project aims to build on the animal performance feedback report which we routinely provide to farmers, to develop a plan to support beef producers who have prevalent liver fluke issues.
The project began in Autumn 2021 with a 3-year historic data analysis of our supply base, from which we identified farmers with the largest liver fluke problem. 267 beef farmers were then grouped by production system and benchmarked according to their scope for improvement. Participating farmers completed a questionnaire on their liver fluke control strategies, including prevention, monitoring and treatment.
By combining animal performance feedback from our processing sites with farm data on live fluke control practices, an evidence-based support strategy was implemented to reduce the occurrence of liver fluke, using combined methods of education, forecasting, innovation, and continuous data monitoring.
Analysis of the project findings will take place in Autumn 2022, with a view to rolling out the farmer support plan across the remaining supply base.

Our Progress so far
Read our latest Sustainability Report to learn more about the actions we have taken so far on the journey to a better future.
Our Assurance And Collaboration.
We invite external third-party oversight and verification of business policy, practice and performance, to provide confidence to our stakeholders. Due to the fragmented nature of our supply chains, we alone cannot drive change and we work with producers, processors, customers and trade bodies to improve the sustainable sourcing of livestock and to encourage the transition to more sustainable practices. Key platforms for collaboration include Origin Green, Meat Industry Ireland, BMPA, AHDB, ERBS, UKSCP and WRAP’s Meat in a Net Zero World.
We aim to take big steps to ensure our footprints are small in supporting our goal of transitioning to a net zero emission company by 2050.