UK and Irish livestock production systems are amongst the most sustainable in the world and we will continue to accelerate action to improve sustainability and remain competitive in our priority markets. Our Scope 3 Science-Based Target relates to emissions from the sourcing of live cattle and sheep from 40,000 farms across the UK and Ireland, and other meat products, which account for 70% of our total emissions.
Our Farming Ambition outlines how we are working to harness nature-based solutions and promote the widespread adoption of sustainable practices, which reduce emissions, while improving farm efficiency.
We will inspire sustainable farming to foster better animal health and welfare, enhance meat quality and restore biodiversity, soil health and water quality.

We will be guided by data and science when setting targets, developing plans and making decisions.

We will collaborate to scale up the right solutions and innovations for a more sustainable food system.

We will focus on areas of greatest impact, taking a balanced approach to bring our communities with us along the way.

Our Approach
Farm Green is our plan to inspire more sustainable farming. We invest over €2m annually to demonstrate best practice, funding a combination of knowledge sharing initiatives and supply chain projects. We work closely with industry groups, customers and farming partnerships to enhance the performance of our sector, whilst supporting the traditional family farms of our beef and lamb supply chains.
In 2022 we established a UK supplier carbon footprinting project to set a new baseline from which to accelerate action and reduce emissions.
We are investing £1m in this project, part funded by Innovate UK, measuring the carbon footprint of 500 farms and establishing farm specific plans and roadmaps to reduce emissions, with progress monitored every 18—24 months.
In Ireland, Bord Bia carbon footprint suppliers are provided feedback reports with recommended actions to reduce emissions. We have two demonstration farms, Newford and Tipperary which are part of the Teagasc Signpost Farming Programme.
Newford’s purpose is to drive and demonstrate efficiencies in sustainable Irish steer and heifer suckler beef production.
Tipperary’s purpose is to operate and demonstrate a profitable dairy calf to beef production system on farm while reducing the total environmental footprint of a pasture-based production system.
Harnessing nature-based solutions to reduce emissions while improving efficiencies, we work with 1,500 farmers to collect and share data to prove the sustainability credentials of our products, enabling suppliers to make data led decisions. We are working with farmers in the UK and Ireland to share learnings and success stories via videos, webinars, case studies, demonstrating what is possible through our innovation farming projects.
Our Progress so far
Read our latest Sustainability Report to learn more about the actions we have taken so far on the journey to a better future.
Nature Based Solutions
Harnessing nature-based solutions to reduce emissions while improving efficiencies, we are working with farmers in the UK and Ireland to share learnings and success stories via videos, webinars and case studies.

We will continue to reduce emissions from agriculture and move towards lower carbon farming models.

We will continue to protect nature and restore biodiversity to regenerate ecosystems, which are the foundation of a stable food system.

We will help restore soil health and fertility, improving its ability to support plants and animals, store carbon and produce quality grass for our livestock to graze.

We will take care of critical water resources, to protect and improve water quality for society, nature and the quality of our food.

We will continue to improve animal genetic performance, breeding more carbon efficient livestock which mature at an earlier age.

Nutrition and Feed
We will enhance animal nutrition so livestock mature at an earlier age, reducing lifetime emissions, while ensuring feed is from deforestation and conversion free sources.

Animal Health and Welfare
We will continue to maintain high standards of animal health and welfare, to help reduce mortality and food waste.

Meat Quality
We will continue to produce nutritious, & consistent quality meat by optimizing animal performance while maintaining high standards of animal health and welfare.
We are working with farmers in the UK and Ireland to demonstrate what is possible through our innovation farming projects to drive sectoral change, using scientific advice and data to improve decision making. Our Agriculture and Procurement Teams regularly host farmer discussion groups and on-farm events covering topics such as nutrition, animal health and market specification requirements. This sharing of knowledge and best practise is key to achieving impact at scale across a varied range of sustainability initiatives including; paddock grazing and grassland management, regenerative practises which measure and improve soil health, herd health and calving mortality, calving interval and age at slaughter. The combined effect of these management practices will substantially reduce emissions and contribute to improving efficiency.

Newford aims to drive and demonstrate efficiencies in sustainable suckler beef production. Tipperary aims to operate and demonstrate a profitable dairy calf to beef production system on farm while reducing the total environmental footprint of a pasture-based production system.

In partnership with FAI Farms and Breedr, the project aims to assess if calves from the dairy herd can thrive on an extensive grazing system, so that they produce meat of sufficient quality for beef production.

Aim to increase the profitability of participating farmers through technology transfer and adoption of better management practices.

Focus on selecting the right genetics, improving efficiency on farm, reducing emissions, whilst producing consistent quality beef.

As signatories to the UK Soy Manifesto, we share the collective goal for all soya entering the UK to be from deforestation and conversion free sources by 2025.

Good animal health and welfare is vital to achieve optimum livestock performance. Optimising livestock performance and husbandry greatly influences ultimate meat quality.

Our industry leading project to research and assess how the farm efficiency, consistency, and meat-eating quality of the beef we produce can be improved, to enhance the long-term sustainability of the beef supply chain.