Given the nature of our business, we are intrinsically linked to the environment and the eco-systems in which we operate. We support biodiversity at our sites and in our communities.
Protect and restore nature and biodiversity on and around our sites and in our communities

Depending on the size and the location of our sites, the scope for biodiversity projects varies and we regularly engage with Environmental Scientists and Specialists in Ecology to assess the potential for further improvements. We have installed beehives, planted trees and permitted areas to go wild to help sustain pollinators, and manage water ways close to our sites. In 2022, we engaged a consultant ecologist to assess the potential for advancing our biodiversity strategy, including proposing new Biodiversity Actions Plans for our sites, with initiatives to be adopted from 2023.

On a national and global scale, biodiversity is monitored with indicator species receiving more attention. Protecting these species can indirectly protect many other species that share the same habitats. The Hen Harrier is a rare bird of prey in Ireland, largely due to the loss of 300,000 hectares of peatland habitat, to planting of non-native monoculture coniferous forests, on which the Hen Harrier depends. The Hen Harrier Project (HHP) was launched in 2017 to support farmers in enhancing the value of the ecosystem services of their land. The Project does this by rewarding farmers for the quality of the habitats they have on their farm, while co-investing to improve and manage these habitats, thereby increasing farmers’ capacity to improve their land’s habitat value.

We support initiatives such as Tidy Towns Ireland and Keep Britain Tidy, which are key partners in local community projects, improving landscapes and biodiversity and reducing the incidence of litter. Some highlights from 2022 include: